Saturday, September 26, 2009


Yesterday I was reminded of the good old days of rush for zeta. I had to go the the Atlanta College Fair (they have one big one for all of the colleges in Atlanta) to recruit for my company. I forgot how tired you can get from talking non stop to people all day. Most the students there were very professional, but some people just had no clue. Here are some things people told me yesterday:

  • "Sorry my resume is not completely updated, my mom printed out the wrong one for me."
  • "So, I really LOVE the way J&J baby powder smells so I figured that your company would be a good fit for me."
  • someone then decided to whisper to me "it you company cool to work for? i mean really cool? Because I cannot work for a company that is not awesome."
People, what are thinking?!? At least it was a very entertaining day for me!

On a side note: I am officially coming to homecoming! Ticket booked, hotel booked, game tickets bought and pigskin tickets bought! I cannot wait!!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Yep...sounds like a day in my life. Kids are crazy these days.