Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I love today!

Today at work was so much fun! First, we had two people come to our office from Canada. They are really fun and it is nice to have new people in the office, especially since most of the old people are out in different territories. And because they started in the US today, they gave us all an hour to hang out with the Canadians and eat a big breakfast (however I was a little disappointed b/c usually when we get breakfast they give us panera but today we just got aramark...def not nearly as good)

Also at work all of our managers were gone so we spent a good majority of the day roaming from cube to cube just chatting...I love to be non productive some days!

Finally, tonight is PROJECT RUNWAY FINALE! I am extremely excited about this! Look forward to a post with my opinion on the collections :).


jessandkyle said...

I saw the finale as well...disappointing i have to say. I was ready for Korto to win it all. Her collection was ethnic and amazing! Leanne is vanilla...boring, flavorless. And Kendley=Crazo. That is all.
PS--I miss you friend

Kat said...

Amy! I just wanted to say hi and I'm jealous that you got to watch project runway! I had kinda forgotten about that show and how much I love it! It sounds like you are doing great! Miss you!